Things You Should Know About Solar Batteries

You had your solar installation, and you got your solar rooftop panel fixed, now what is next? If you are considering an upgrade in your solar panel system in your home, you might want to consider storage. One of the best ways to upgrade your solar panel use and experience is by installing a backup power capacity for your solar installation.

If you have your solar panel long enough, you may have come to think about two things: 1) Where did excess solar energy go to? 2) What happens if there is not enough sunlight?

A lot of people are discouraged from using solar panels because of their capacity not knowing that they can store more than enough solar energy and produce electricity for their homes during the rainy season and winter.

What is a Solar Battery and how does it work?

In the simplest form, a solar battery is an additional device installed and integrated into your solar panel system. The solar battery allows you to store the excess solar energy emitted by the sun to produce and store electricity for future use. It is used in residential units and even large eco-friendly buildings to avoid power interruption and optimal electric production.

Solar batteries are either used with alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC). The fundamental difference between the two can be seen in how actually the electricity is transferred from the solar panel to the solar battery. However, the solar battery only stores DC electricity which makes these two couplings different from electric storage to usage.

DC Coupled Storage

Electricity generated by your solar panel is not converted and stored as is in the solar battery. However, during consumption, the electricity stored in the solar battery is converted to AC as alternating current is only used for your home’s electric consumption.

AC Coupled Storage

Through an inverter, the DC electricity generated by the solar panel system is converted to AC electricity for your home’s consumption. This same electricity is converted back to DC current before storage in your solar battery and goes inverted to AC electricity again when needed.

Benefits of a Solar Battery backup in your home

Without a solar battery, your home might experience occasional power outages due to low power generation. This happens when you have a relatively smaller solar panel roof for your home and that solar source is not enough. Bad weather and cloudy days affect the solar generation and electric production in your solar panel system. Having a solar battery could fix the problem. Here are some of the many benefits of having your own solar backup in your backyard.

1. Solar installation of a backup solar generator is quick and hassle-free.

2. Having a solar battery in your backyard is seamless and noiseless compared to gas-powered generators.

3. Solar companies have found a way to make solar batteries compact so they will only consume a little space. A big backyard or a separate room is not needed!

4. Solar battery allows you to go completely independent from your power grid allowing you to avoid surges in electric cost.  

The best solar companies Kissimmee provide monitoring management software and application available on your smartphone. This allows you to monitor and see the overview of your solar production and electric consumption in real-time.

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